A verified web app to send any type of tokens to multiple addresses. Omnisender can send ETH, ERC20 tokens, ERC1155s, and ERC721s (NFTs). You can set multiple recipients and which tokens you'd like to send in a single transaction. This is often called using a multisender. The Omnisender smart contract automatically forwards all the tokens to each address. You can upload a CSV or specify multiple addresses manually.
Omnisender works on most EVM compatible networks including Ethereum mainnet, Optimism, Polygon, and Arbitrum. Omnisender also has testnet deployments on Goerli and Mumbai in case you want to test it before using it on a production network.
Select the type of token you want to send and submit a list of addresses you want to send to. Omnisender will construct the transaction automatically and submit it through the verified smart contract where it will forward the funds on to each address!
Yes! Omnisender can automatically airdrop ETH, ERC20s, ERC1155s, or ERC721s to your list of recipients. Just remember that you'll still be responsible for gas costs that grow with the number of recipients.
In most cases, yes! In addition to the time you're saving by not having to send each token 1 by 1, by batching transactions through Omnisender you're usually saving on gas fees as well.
You'll be responsible for gas since you're sending tokens through the blockchain and Omnisender adds a small fee on top of 0.05 ETH.
Yes! You can send in batches from one collection at a time with as many NFTs as you'd like. This is especially useful when moving from a hot wallet to a cold wallet after a mint or vice versa if you're trying to trade NFTs that are currently on your cold wallet.